The Unplanned Marketing
Sometimes, an unplanned move turns out to be more effective than the planned ones. Hey! I am not talking about life, but guess what, we can learn from that only. We always tend to run from our problems without even realizing that those really exist. In today’s world, someone else makes us aware of our problems, you know the cycle of dependency right. Let me tell you one of my experiences. Two years back I bought an android phone – OnePlus. I liked all the features and yes of course, the dash charger. My previous phone took a long time to get charged, sometimes more than an hour. But my new OnePlus mobile phone takes only 15-20 minutes to get full charged. I was in love with this fast charging thing. The first thing I used to do after entering my room was to put my phone on charge, daily routine kind of thing. But, one day I saw a thin black line at the end of my charging cord, it was visible that the cord had started to get damaged, but hey! who cares, it still charged my phone. So i...